Vellodi. M.A. IFS

Mr. M.A.Vellodi IFS is a prominent personality from the Indian Foreign Service. He held Key positions at various levels in the United Nations and earned high reputation for India in the International arena through distinctive service. He belongs to the traditional Kizhake Koil Samuthiri family of Kerala. He is born to Mr.K.C.M Raja of Kottakkal, Malappuram and Smt. Narayani Kovilamma. He is grandson of Kizhake Koil Samudiri Raja. Some of the major positions held by M.A.Vellodi include Chairman – United Nations Drafting Group on Direct Broadcast Satellites, Chairman – UN Disarmament Commission and Secretary – UN Committee on Peacekeeping Operations. He was also Member of UN Secretary Generals Expert Groups on Disarmament and Development and on Comprehensive Study of Nuclear Weapons Apart from the regular Foreign Service assignments, he served other Ministries of the Government of India as well as the United Nations and other Specialised Agencies on behalf of the Government of India. Initially, he served as Second Secretary, Legation of India in Berne (Switzerland), as Under Secretary, Deputy Secretary and finally as Secretary in the Ministry of External Affairs. He served as Advisor of Indian Delegation, International Commission for Supervision and Control in Vietnam, First Secretary – Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations at New York and as High Commissioner of India in Dar-es-Salaam. Vellodi served as Joint Secretary as well as Advisor in the Department of Atomic Energy and as Additional Secretary in the Department of Space. He held positions like Advisor – Indian Delegation in UN Economic and Social Council, International Labour Organisation, WHO, UN Security Council, UN Human Rights Commission and the UN Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation.
