Unni A.M

Mr. A.M. Unni works as Senior Manager with Flyjal Logistics. He started working with Express Clearing Agency and later worked with Forvol International and Air Associates before joining his present job. Hailing from Velamballur, Palakkad, he had his education from Government Higher School, Koduvayur and Victoria College, Palakkad. A dedicated social worker he is Assistant Secretary of Welfare Association, Kovilampakkam and Treasurer, Kovilampakkam Federation. His wife is Mrs. Prema Unni and he has one daughter M. Preeja.
Madhavam, No 58, 2nd Street,
Kakitha Puram, S. Kolathur,
Kovilampakkam, Chennai 117.
Office: Flyjal Logistics, No 3,
Dayison Street, Chennai 01.
Phone: 25261538(O), 22460110®,
