Sasidharan N

Mr. N. Sasidharan works as U.D.C with Department of Family Welfare, Ministry of Health and Family. Hailing from Pathanapuram, Kollam, he had his studies from Government High School, Kalanjoor and Madras University. An active social worker, he is the Presidentof S.N.D.P Yogam, Pallavaram Branch; Secretary of Sree Narayana Guru Welfare Association, Pallavaram and Vice President of Government Medical Store Department Official’s Association, Chennai. His wife is Mrs. E.A. Madhavi Sasidharan and he has one son Sunand and a daughter Suma.
Nanda Bhavanam, No 10, 1st Street,
Nehru Nagar, Pallavaram, Chennai 43.
Office: Government Medical Store Depot,
No 37, Naval Hospital Road,
Periyamet, Chennai 3.
Phone: 25610621(O), 22385938®, 9840872511.