Sasidharan Justice K.K

Justice K.K.Sasidharan was born in Mahi , Union Territory in Kerala., and had his education in Chakli and Pondicherry. Starting his career as an Advocate, he became the Prosecutor for the Govt in Pondicherry and later on was appointed Additional Govt Pleader. Subsequently he was elevated to the post of Judge in High Court, Madras. His wife is Mrs. Uma Sasidharan. His daughter is Gopika studying in 8th standard at Chinmaya.
(Res.) B-I, Vijays Madhumathi,
13 / 6, Taylors Road, Kilpauk,
Chennai – 600 010. (Off.)
Judge High Court,
Madras, Chennai – 600 104.
Phone: 2530 1000 / 2530 1000. (Res. ) 26452233.

Category: Advocate