Elizabeth John

Mrs. Elizabeth John is director of ‘Premier C N C Press Shop Pvt Ltd’. The firm is a one-stop source for all sheet metal fabrication requirements. She is an M-Tech holder in electronics from Cochin University. She hails from Kuttanadu, Alappuzha district. She is married to Mr Babu John and the couple has a son, Thomos (BE) and a daughter Lisa Maria (BE). They are working as software engineers.
Address :
(O) Premier C N C Press Shop Pvt Ltd,
SP 27 C/1 Industrial Estate, Guindy, Chennai-32
(R) A.A 87 1st Floor Santhi Colony Annanagar,
Phone: (O) 22332482/22342102 (R) 26261267.
Mob. 9444021267.


Category: Business