Dr. N. Gopinathan Nair

Dr. N. Gopinathan Nair is a Physician practicing Homeopathic Medicine in Chennai. He ia a Hoemeopathic Physician who has a successful practice. He received M.D.H from Chicago University, Calcutta. He has a variety of likings like writing, reading, enjoying music and is interested in politics. Dr. Gopinathan Nair is involved in the activities of various social and cultural organizations. He is married to Late V. S. Ponnamma and the couple has two children – Jothish and Mrs. Nisha Menon.
No 8/13, Nelson Street, Venkateshwara Nagar,
Ambattur, Chennai 53.
Office: Sree Bhadra Homeopathic Clinic,
No 1, Nelson Street, Eariki Salai, Venkateshwara Nagar,
Ambattur, Chennai 53.
Phone: 26582755 (R). Mob. 9382607977.


Category: Medical