Dr.Mohan Easow

Dr.Mohan Easow is a specialist in Pediatrics and is presently running own clinic ‘Mohan’s Clinic’. Hailing from Erumakkad, Aranmmula in Pathanamthitta District, he is married to Mrs Anitha Mohan Easow and the couple has a son Amit M. Easow and daughter Masha S. Easow. He is recipient of Y’s men International’s, Awards for Best Treasurer, Best Secretary and Best President. He has conducted several medical camps.
(R) 7( 3), Damodhara Murthy Road,
Kilpauk, Chennai-10.
(O). Mohan’s Clinic, T-92, IIIrd Avenue Main Road,
Anna Nagar, Chennai- 40.
Phone: (O) 26213017 (R) 26461794.

Category: Medical